Natural Corn Starch

Natural Corn Starch

Product Description It has white-powder appearance, special taste and odor. It is used in food industry and produced after being processed by wet method of the corn and be separated with physical techniques.
Chemical Name Carbonhydrate/ Corn Starch
Chemical Specifications Min. Max. Method Name
Moisture [%] 10.0 13.0 130°C oven, min. 3 hr.
Protein [%] - 0.40 Kjeldahl (%Nx6.25)
pH  4.5 6.0 Calibrated pH meter
So2 [ppm] - 10 Ttiration with iodine solution
Sieving [%] - 1.0 Sieving

Usage Areas: Ketchup, mayonnaise, sausage, soup, pudding, Turkish delight, baklava, textile and cardboard industry.